Kitting & Bundling

Kitting and bundling in Flxpoint enables you to combine multiple products into one, creating dynamic product bundles with ease. This feature allows you to:

  • Combine multiple product variants into a single product.
  • Create multi-quantity variants from a single product.
  • Support variation structures for dynamic bundling.
Important: Bundles use virtual products as components, ensuring dynamic management and availability across orders.

Bundles work by linking existing virtual products as components. The price is the sum of all components, and the lowest available quantity determines the bundle’s availability. When an order is placed, bundled products are split into their relevant components to fulfill requests.

Note: The bundle's availability is determined by the lowest available component.
Example: If a bundle includes 10 gaming systems but only 2 games, the bundle availability is limited to 2, as only two complete bundles can be fulfilled.


Creating a Bundle

Creating a bundle in Flxpoint involves grouping multiple products from your catalog into a single offering, allowing you to sell them together as one unit. This helps streamline inventory management and boost sales by offering product combinations.


Creating Bundles via Product Creation

In Flxpoint, you can combine multiple products into one by selecting items from your catalog and bundling them together. This process allows you to manage options, components, and pricing, creating a single bundle product for your store.


Import Bundles

Import Bundles allow you to upload and create multiple product bundles at once in Flxpoint. By using a bulk import process, you can efficiently manage and configure your bundles with options, components, and pricing, saving time on manual setup.


Ordering Bundled Items

Ordering Bundled Items allows customers to purchase multiple products grouped together as a single bundle. When a bundle is ordered, the individual items within the bundle are automatically processed, ensuring that all components are fulfilled and shipped accordingly. This streamlines the ordering process for bundled products.

Click to Learn About Ordering Bundled Items
Ordering Bundled Items

When an order is placed for a bundled item, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • The bundled item will appear on the order to associate it with the sales channel's order.
  • The components of the bundled item will also be displayed below.
  • When generating Fulfillment Requests/Fulfillment Orders (FR/FOs), the bundled item uses the component SKUs to find associated source variants and FR/FOs.
Fulfillment Orders for Bundled Items

Shipments provided by the source fulfilling the fulfillment request/orders will use the component SKUs. Once a bundled item has been fully shipped, this information will be passed back to the channel.

Important: The bundled item's components are used to manage fulfillment and ensure accurate shipment tracking.