
Global Notifications

Global notifications are a set of notifications you may opt-into. These global notifications cannot be customized and are sent with information relevant to the specific event.

Global notifications typically:

  • Signal completion of a process (such as "Source Invoice Imported" or "New Reseller Signup")
  • Signal for additional investigation (such as "New Inventory Imported" or "Source Invoice Cost of Goods Mismatch")

How to Enable or Disable Global Notifications
  • Navigate to SettingsNotifications
  • Click the Gray Toggle Switch to enable
  • Select the Green Toggle Switch to disable
  • Click Update in the bottom left corner to save and complete

By default, the notifications will be sent to the Notification Default Email listed at the top of the screen. If you would like the notifications to be sent to another email, select the checkbox for Override Notification Email and enter the new email address.

You may enter multiple email address separated by a comma into the Override Notification Email field.


Custom Alerts

Custom alerts are notifications that can be created, customized, and configured to be sent out during specific events and to specific personas. For example, during an order import process, you can set up something like the following:

  • Create a custom alert with key order information
  • If certain conditions on the order are met, send this custom alert out
  • Define custom recipients (i.e. an email, the B2B user that placed the order, the Flxpoint account owner, etc.)

Job Completion Notifications

Job completion notifications are notifications that are logged anytime an operation completes. These notifications provide an alert and information that can be analyzed to understand what happened during that operation.

For example, for a Get Inventory Primary operation, these notifications would contain information such as:

of products imported

of products updated

of new products

of products archived

How to View Recent Completion Notifications for Source or Channel
  • Navigate to Sources or Channels
  • Click Integrations
  • Select the desired integration
  • Scroll to the bottom
  • Click on the notification bar to expand the notification
  • Note: Only the 5 most recent notifications will show here. To view older notifications, follow the instructions below for Job Completion Notification History.

How to View Job Completion Notifications History
  • From any screen, click the Red Bell Icon in the top right
  • Use the filters on the left or the search bar at the top to narrow your results
  • Select the desired notification bar to expand the details


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