Inventory Created/Updated Workflow

The Inventory Created/Updated (ICU) Workflow is a feature inside each Source in Flxpoint that runs after an item’s inventory data is created or updated. Crucially, it has visibility into:

  • Reserved inventory (on active orders)
  • Manual changes made to an item’s inventory variant

Because of this, the ICU workflow is able to set a Custom Aggregate Field (CAF) to the actual available units in your warehouse—taking into account committed or reserved quantities.

In contrast, a Post‑Mapping Workflow only sees data from the GIP feed prior to any reservations or manual changes. Therefore, a post‑mapping workflow cannot automatically adjust CAF values when orders come in or manual inventory edits happen.



Step-by-Step Setup

Go to Your Source Settings

  • In Flxpoint, open the Source where you want the CAF to be updated.
  • On the left menu, locate and click Workflows.
  • Choose Inventory Created/Updated (ICU).

Add a Rule

  • Select + New Rule (or edit the existing rule if you already have one).
  • Give the rule a friendly name, for example:

Rule #1: Set WarehouseQty CAF to Available Quantity

Set the Condition

  • Under If, pick Rules Match: Always Run
  • This ensures the workflow applies every time any inventory item is created or updated.

Define the Action

  • Under Then…, choose Inventory Variant: [Your CAF Name] (e.g., WarehouseQty).
  • Field = Whatever label you gave your CAF.
  • Action = “Set To Field”
  • Inventory Variant: Available Quantity.
  • In plain language, you’re telling Flxpoint:

“Take the Available Quantity of the item and store it in my WarehouseQty CAF.”

Save and Test

  • Click Update to save your changes.
  • Optionally, use Test Rule or Run Manual Re-Sync to confirm the workflow is assigning the CAF correctly.
Image 1


How It Works

  • Every time inventory is added or updated (including reservation changes for active orders), this rule will fire.
  • Flxpoint will set your WarehouseQty CAF to the current Available Quantity (i.e., total minus any reserved).
  • As a result, any quantity/price rules that look at this CAF will automatically get accurate “available” data instead of a “total” count.




Differences from Post-Mapping Workflows

Timing and Data Visibility

  • ICU Workflow sees all final inventory data after orders, reservations, and manual changes.
  • Post‑Mapping sees only your feed data before reservations or manual edits.

Use Cases

  • ICU Workflow is perfect for ensuring that your CAF accurately reflects real-time availability (minus what’s already committed).
  • Post‑Mapping works best when you only need transformations (e.g., formatting SKUs, adjusting cost) immediately after pulling in feed data, before any sales or manual inventory changes.

Configuration Location

  • ICU Workflow: Found under Workflows → Inventory Created/Updated.
  • Post‑Mapping: Found under Workflows → Post‑Mapping within the same Source.
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