Orders are routed by leveraging routing groups, routing priorities and potentially shipping policies. This section provides a high level overview of this process, with links to useful resources that expand on some of these concepts.
In short:
- Incoming orders have items that are linked to product variants
- A default routing group is assigned to an incoming order
- Optionally, a routing group override is applied if an order is eligible
- Through product variant linkage and routing group restrictions, eligible source inventory variants are identified as possible fulfillment solutions
- Routing estimations are derived on all the possible fulfillment solutions (i.e. estimated shipping cost, etc.)
- After estimations have been derived, the possible solutions are run through routing priorities
- After routing priorities are taken into consideration, a best fulfillment solution is derived based on these priorities and this solution is attached to the order in the form of fulfillment requests/ fulfillment orders
Diagram of Routing Process
Once orders are imported and ready to be routed (either paid or deferred), the process below is executed:
- Since product variants are associated to orders, find all source inventory variants that are available and linked to these product variants
- From these linked source inventory variants, determine all the potential solutions for this order
- Perform estimations on these solutions. These assigns estimated shipping costs and estimated dropship fees. For more information on this, see Routing Estimations.
- Run these through potential solutions through routing priorities to find the best possible solution.