Channel Advisor

How To Connect

Connection Details





Locating Access and Refresh Token

  • Log into ChannelAdvisor with the platform Username and Password
  • Go to the Developer Console, and log in with Developer Key and Password
  • Click Create New Application
  • Enter a Name for the application (Description and Redirect URL are optional)
  • Once the newly created application appears, click on Add Integration and Request Tokens
  • **Select the client _and Click on _Select Client button
  • Select the profile and click on Grant Access button
  • Access and Refresh Token will appear on the screen, Copy and Paste within Flxpoint

Listing Operations


Deleting Products on the Store
If you delete a product on your store without delisting it using Flxpoint, the item will still be shown as "Linked" inside of Flxpoint until the next listing Sync. 

On the next sync, this listing will be marked as "Broken Link" which means the original product we were linked to no longer exists. 

You will need to unlink and relink the items in your listings section to fix this.

Sync Listings


This will sync any changes that have been made to your listings since the last time a sync was performed to the Channel Advisor channel.

Publish Listings


Publishing new listings is not currently supported for Channel Advisor. Flxpoint must link to existing products on the platform.

Order Operations

Shipping Mappings


This ensures orders are being imported from Channel Advisor and mapped to a central shipping policy in Flxpoint. You will need to provide the shipping text associated with the Shipping Mappings currently offered on your Channel Advisor account.

The determine what to populate in your Flxpoint Channel Shipping Text, in Channel Advisor go to Fulfil > Settings > Mappings

Inbound > Order Import Shipping Mappings > The "ChannelAdvisor Shipping Method" name shown here needs to match the Channel Shipping Text exactly in Flxpoint.

Get Orders


This will get any new orders from a channel that have not yet been imported to go through the fulfilment process.

You must configure your Shipping Mappings prior to running Get Orders for Orders to import properly

My Orders are not importing, what should I do?

The most likely cause of this issue relates to the order status on your store, and the order status we're looking for based on our configurations. If you are unsuccessful at importing an order; double check the status of the order, and ensure it matches your configurations for this operation.

The second possibility is that the order is "too old" for us to import. Under "Configure Settings" you also have the option of selecting the date range of orders we can import. If you set this limit to 7 days, consider checking the non-imported orders creation date and increasing the number under the "Get Orders Created within the last X Days" configuration.

Sync Orders


Sync Orders will sync any changes that have been made to Orders since the last time sync was performed to Channel Advisor.

Specifically, this will sync back components like tracking information, shipping information and carrier information.


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