Weapon Depot

How to Connect


  • Log into your Flxpoint account.
  • Go to Sales Channels on the left, then click + Add Channel to open the Channel Wizard.
  • Choose WeaponDepot as your channel. Give it a name (e.g. “My WeaponDepot Channel”) and select which processes you’d like (Sync Listings, Publish Listings, Get Orders, Sync Orders).
  • Under Configure Integration Type, confirm WeaponDepot and click Next.
  • In Connect Channel, set up:
    • Domain
    • Retailer ID
    • Consumer Key
    • Consumer Secret
    Then click Test Connection and Save Connection.
  • Continue through the wizard’s steps (e.g. Listing Management, Order Fulfillment). You can also Set Up Later if you prefer.
  • Click Confirm Integrations to finalize. Your WeaponDepot Channel is ready to start syncing!


Connection Details

Consumer Key REQUIRED

Consumer Secret Key REQUIRED


Domain REQUIRED [This is always https://www.weapondepot.com]

Consumer Key, Consumer Secret Key, and Retailer Id are provided by Weapon Depot via email when you create an account with them.

Supported Operations

Link Listings SUPPORTED

Sync Listings SUPPORTED

Publish Listings SUPPORTED



Listing Operations


The Link Listing operation allows Flxpoint to connect Flxpoint listings to your existing Weapon Depot products, as long as the UPC or SKU matches between the two systems. This both preserves your existing product data and allows updates without explicitly publishing listings.

Sync Listings


The Sync Listings operation is primarily responsible for updating the Quantity and Price of products on your store.

Price Options:

  • Weapon Depot supports syncing pricing updates to three separate price fields. "Price", "Sale Price", and "Regular Price."
  • "Price" is the list price of the listing, and what your customer will pay.
  • "Sale Price" is a discounted price from the original "Price" field. If you populate this value, it will allow a customer to purchase your product at the "Sale Price".
  • "Regular Price" is similar to MSRP, or a "Compare at Price".
    • This will not be a price that is charged to a customer.
    • i.e. "This product used to be $100 (Regular Price), but now it's only $79.99 (Sale Price, or Price)."

If you would prefer to have us not update Price, or Quantity, either of these two fields can be set to "Do Not Map" inside of Flxpoint and we will not update that value.


SUPPORTED How delisting works with Weapon depot

Delisting permanently removes the product from your Weapon depot channel listing, can only be brought back to listed status again after running the sync/publish job is made to run.


SUPPORTED Hiding the variant for Weapon depot channel listing

Hiding the variant temporary sets the product to a state where an it appears as Out of stock on your Weapon depot channel, making sure there are no unwanted order for the variant.


SUPPORTED Unhiding the variant for Weapon depot channel listing

Unhiding can only be used for the product variants that are already on hide status to bring the product back live for Weapon depot sales channel.

Publish Listings


The Publish Listings operation is responsible for creating new listings and offerings on your store.

Weapon Depot requires the following to be configured before a new listing is able to be posted.

Configuration Details
USPS Select Service This controls the shipping service listed for each product. This only applies if "USPS" is selected as the "Shipping Method".
Shipping Type Flat Rate or Dynamic Rate, depending on how you handle your shipping charges.
Shipping Cost If using Flat rate, this controls the shipping cost published onto your Weapon Depot listings. If you are offering free shipping, input "0".
Flat Rate Type "Per Order" or "Per Item" If "Per Order" is selected, then a $3 flat rate means that two items will ship for $3. If "Per Item" is selected, then a $3 flat rate means that two items will ship for $6.
Shipping Method Choose a Carrier to be used for shipping. (UPS, USPS, FedEx)
FedEx Select Service If using FedEx, select the service that you will be offering on your listings.(FedEx Ground, FedEx Priority, FedEx 2Day, Etc.)
UPS Select Service If using UPS, select the service that you will be offering on your listings (Ground, 2nd Day Air, 3 Day Select, Etc.)

Price and Quantity are required to publish a listing on Weapon Depot. A listing that does not contain both a valid quantity (Zero is a valid quantity) and a valid price will fail to publish.

Why are my products not listing in my configured Category?

Weapon Depot normalizes product categories based on UPC.

Consider that Product A might have a large number of listings and these listings all are published under "Category A".

If you attempt to create Product A under "Category B" Weapon Depot will redirect your listing to "Category A".

This does not cause your product to fail to be listed.


SUPPORTED Overwriting the Variant details

Overwrite feature enables you to overwrite any data for already published variant on your Weapon depot sales channel. i.e. updating Title, Description, categories, MPN, UPC, GTIN, Images.

Order Operations

Shipping Mappings


Configure the Shipping method to assign the mapping to imported orders. Shipping Mapping is the process of pre-selecting specific shipping methods and saving them in your Channel Settings so that when new orders are made to import, your preferred forms will be auto-assigned to those orders.

The idea is to increase efficiency by eliminating the need to select shipping methods for individual orders. If you're unsure, check the store shipping method in your test order to confirm how the shipping details are imported from your store or marketplace. You will need to map to this exact method and assign different shipping for the Next Day, Overnight. depending on the carriers and processes supported by your supplier.

In order to integrate shipping mapping for Weapondepot with flxpoint follow the scripted path;

  • Login to Weapondepot seller portal
  • Under Store Settings Click on Manage Shipping

  • Click on Add Shipping and fill in the details
  • Click on Save.

Creating The Shipping Method Policies for Weapondepot with flxpoint

Under configuration settings You are asked to input the fields for shipping mapping integrations.

Integrating the Shipping Policies
Input fields and details should be reciprocated on Weapondepot sales channel and flxpoint.

Get Orders


The Get orders operation retrieves any new Orders from Weapon depot that have not yet been imported and will send back Acknowledgements for those Orders if needed.

My Orders are not importing, what should I do?

The most likely cause of this issue relates to the order status on your store, and the order status we're looking for based on our configurations. If you are unsuccessful at importing an order; double check the status of the order, and ensure it matches your configurations for this operation.

The second possibility is that the order is "too old" for us to import. Under "Configure Settings" you also have the option of selecting the date range of orders we can import. If you set this limit to 7 days, consider checking the non-imported orders creation date and increasing the number under the "Get Orders Created within the last X Days" configuration.

Sync Orders


The Sync order operation syncs any changes that have been made to Order(s) since the last time sync was performed. The most common use of this operation is to update tracking information to an existing order.

Partial shipments will also be synced for Weapon Depot POs


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