
SkuVault supports the core source operations, including obtaining product data, sending fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders (FRs/FOs), and receiving shipments for those FRs/FOs.


To connect to SkuVault's API, we will need the following SkuVault account credentials:

  • Username
  • Password

Product Operations

Get Inventory [Primary]


This process can pull the product titles, SKUs, image, brand, price, and quantity. Skuvault DOES NOT support variations. You will need your Username and Password for establishing the connection.

If you configure a Warehouse Location (Code) in step 2 only products from that warehouse will be imported. We also support the ability to import kit skus.

Read callouts below for important info regarding warehouse locations and kits.

Mapping Template/ Kits
- If you configure a warehouse location Code in Step 2 of the integration to only pull quantity from that specific warehouse. YOU MUST make a change on the mapping template to pull in (Configured Warehouse) Warehouse Quantity
- The toggle to configure if you want to import all products + kits is in step 2 as well. You simply toggle Yes or No!
View Gif below!

Get Inventory [Secondary]


Inventory data is provided with product data.

Order Operations

Send FRs/FOs


Channel Type/Channel ID
To find your Channel Type navigate to the sales section of your SkuVault account. Then click on an order. You will find the "Channel Type" listed next to "Channel". (below)

To retrieve your "Channel Account ID" you can run sales report (ReportsSales Report) which will show all of the long Sale IDs within a given date range. The sale ID will include the Channel Account ID. 

Alternatively, you can view this document here and make a call to the /GetIntegrations endpoint to retrieve your Channel Account IDs.

This process will submit FRs/FOs via SkuVault's API. During Step 2 you will input your Channel Type and Channel Account ID. There will be a button to click that will populate your channel accounts based on your account information configured in the connection.

Get Shipments


Channel Type/Channel ID
To find your Channel Type navigate to the sales section of your SkuVault account. Then click on an order. You will find the "Channel Type" listed next to "Channel". (below)

To retrieve your "Channel Account ID" you can run sales report (ReportsSales Report) which will show all of the long Sale IDs within a given date range. The sale ID will include the Channel Account ID. 

Alternatively, you can view this document here and make a call to the /GetIntegrations endpoint to retrieve your Channel Account IDs.

This process will retrieve shipments for submitted FRs/FOs when they become available via SkuVault's API. You will need to input the Channel Long ID within step 2 of this integration.

Get Source Invoices


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