Creating a Shipment Manually


There may be instances where it is necessary to create a shipment manually rather than having it automatically. Two common use cases are:

  • Manually processed an order with the source so the shipment will not automatically get pulled into Flxpoint
  • Suppress tracking so it is updated in Flxpoint but not sent to the channel

Adding Shipment Details

When viewing the order, scroll down to the Fulfillments section and click Add Shipment. Under Add Shipment, you'll need to enter the following information:

  • FR/FO #: can be selected from the dropdown
  • Suppressed status: suppressing the tracking will prevent the shipment information from syncing back to the original channel order
  • Shipped at date: required
  • Tracking #: required
  • Shipping cost: optional
  • Carrier: optional
  • Method: optional
  • Notate quantities: notate the quantity of the SKUs that are included in this shipment
  • Notes: you have the option of adding internal notes

Fulfillment Statuses

If you're unable to include all items in a single shipment, the order status will be marked as Partially Shipped.

Once you're ready to add the remaining shipment details to the order, you will need to create another shipment with the new tracking number.

When the total PO/FR quantity and the PO/FR shipped quantity match, the order will be updated as Fully Shipped.