Attribute Management


Manage attributes by merging to combine similar ones and ensure consistency across all your Channel Listings. You can also rename and set permissions so only the attributes you permit will appear on your channel(s).

What Are Attributes

Attributes are characteristics that describe a parent product. Attributes are shared amongst all the different variants of the parent.

Example of Attributes

SKU 222 is a cotton t-shirt that comes in 3 colors (red, blue, yellow). Even though there are different styles (variants) of this shirt they are all still made from cotton, so the attribute would be Material = Cotton

How To Manage Attributes

Once you have imported your source inventory, you can begin managing attributes.

Our Attribute Manager, allows you to manage all the attributes from your Source Inventory, Product Catalog, and Channel Listings in one place. The change made here will affect all the attributes at each of these levels.


Ways to Manage Attributes:

  • Rename attribute names and/or attribute values
  • Merge to consolidate names and values
  • Set permissions to public or private for your sale channel

To Navigate The Attribute Manager:

  • Click the 'View All Attributes' on a parent product, or click here to go directly to the attribute manager.

Original Source Name the name of the attribute when the product was imported from the Source, before any manual modifications.
Merged Attributes the name(s) of other attributes that were merged into this attribute
Original Source Value (seen when clicking into an attribute name) the attribute value when the Product was imported from the Source, before any manual modifications.

Merging Names

  • Select the names you want to merge by clicking on the checkbox
  • Click on merge button
  • Select one to be the "Primary" for the other names to be merged into
  • Click on Confirm

Merging Values

  • From the attribute manager, click the attribute name to see it's values
  • Select the attributes you want to merge by clicking on the checkbox
  • Click on merge button
  • Select one to be the "Primary" for the other values to be merged into
  • Click on Confirm
Can I un-merge attributes?
  • Unfortunately, we do not support unmerging attributes. 


  • Click on attribute name
  • Click on Edit
  • Rename the product and click update.
Private Attributes

You can choose to adjust the visibility of an attribute by either choosing Public or Private. Click Attribute Name -> Edit -> Choose Visibility(public or Private).

After merging up the product and its variants, when the permission of an Attribute is set to private, it will cease to reflect on your listed channels, although it will stay merged internally.

  • it will cease immediately
  • it will not be published on new listings
  • it will need to be overwritten on old listings

Manage Per Product

You can manually adjust the values for the products/variant by following:

  • Select any Product Parent or Listing Parent
  • Edit the name or value
  • Click on "Save Parent"


Can I delete attributes?

  • The only way to delete attributes is individually at each Product Parent or Listing Parent. You can't do this in bulk.

When importing new inventory parents that have “old” attribute names, will those automatically map to new renamed/merged attributes?

  • Yes, we track the “original source name” of the attribute and if we detect it, we will automatically associate it to the new attribute

How do I search for attributes?

  • You can use the search bar on the screen to navigate through attributes or apply different filters.
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