Kitting & Bundling


Kitting and bundling allows you to:

  • Combine multiple product variants into a single product variant
  • Combine a single product variant into a multi-quantity product variant
  • Supports variation structure so you can offer dynamic bundles

Bundles work by:

  • Creating a bundle and linking to existing virtual products as components
  • Summing the pricing fields from all components in a bundle
  • Providing the lowest quantity from all related components
  • When an order is placed for a bundled product variant, splitting these bundled items into the relevant components to send on fulfillment request/fulfillment orders.


The lowest quantity is chosen to ensure all components of the bundled variant can be fulfilled.

For example, a gaming system and game bundle. If there are 10 gaming systems available, but only 2 games available, then the bundle would have 2 available, since only two games can be fulfilled.

Creating a Bundle

To create a bundle, switch to the Variants view under the Product Catalog tab (Flxpoint App → Products→ Product Catalog → Actions).

Choose the action Bundle Generation Tool.


This is the most common, recommended way to setup Bundling, as it is building from products already listed within your Product Catalog.

The SKU and title represent the parent SKU and parent title (see Terminology for information on a parent).

The next step is to configure:

  • Options
  • Components

Options represent the overall selections of the bundle. Relating to the previous example, "Game" and "Game System" would be options.

Components represent the selections for each option. Relating to the previous example, an "Xbox" and "PS4" would represent the components of the "Game System" option, whereas "Minecraft" and "Mario" would represent the components of the "Game" option.

In the example above, it goes into using the type of clothing as the option name (ie. yoga pants and sports bras), and then breaking it down by color (navy blue, maroon, etc). The components within these Component sections are the products themselves.

Once you have the options and components setup, the next step is to preview your variants.

The SKU and title for each variant will be automatically generated based on the parent SKU and parent title that you provided at the beginning of the process. However, these can be manually manipulated, if desired.

Dimensions - Weight Calculations

Weight calculations will only be available when ALL component variants have a weight unit, and as long as weight is not being pulled via the Bulk Bundle Product mapping template.

In the example below, we can see that component 1 is "0.3 lbs" and component 2 is "0.5 lbs", resulting in a 0.8 lbs for the variants total weight.

Create Product (Bundle)

This can be done while creating products if you are looking to setup a bundle with product creation. You can create bundle variants that house different component SKUs and options; however, it is not a uniform structure.

To create bundles through Product Creation, first go to Create Product (Flxpoint App → Products→ Product Catalog → Actions → Other → Create Product).

Setup your Parent Product:

Next, we can look into setting up Variants and adding Components.

The example below has the parent product already created, and one variant setup; it will go into creating a secondary variant.

After clicking to create a new Variant, you'll setup your Title, Identifiers, Options, Dimensions, and you can add in your Component. You may go back into this to edit at any point after you Create Variant.

After going back to the Parent Product, it can be seen that the Parent Product now has the additional Option Values that were included on each Variant. This will help differentiate the combinations within the bundle.

Import Bundles

Create bundles quickly by importing the data from a file into Flxpoint. To import bundles, first go to the Product Catalog tab (Flxpoint App → Products→ Product Catalog).

Choose the action to Import "Bundles".

A screen like this will be shown:

To run the Bundle Upload, you will need to create a mapping template to appropriately map the data from the file

  • This can be done by either clicking "Create New Mapping Template" under the Template field
  • OR by going to Account Settings → Mapping → Templates → Bulk Upload → Product Bundles.

Your Product Bundles Template may be towards the top if you've already configured it at some point; otherwise, it will show under Not Configured Bulk Uploads.

Bulk Bundle Upload CSV/XLSX Sample

For a recommended file structure to replicate, you can view/download a sample file here

In the Mapping Template, there are at least 3 main sections you'll want to make sure are mapped:


    1. This is where to map the parent product data for the bundle being created.
    2. The only required field is Parent SKU, which MUST be either a NEW Parent SKU, or MUST match an existing BUNDLE Product Parent.
    3. You may setup mapping for Product Options under this section.

    1. This is where to map the variant product data for the bundle being created.
    2. Only required field is Variant SKU, which MUST be a NEW Variant SKU.

    1. This is where to map the options and components. See Creating a Bundle for more information.
    2. There are 3 Bundle Components available for mapping to per BUNDLE Product Variant.
    3. The component SKU(s) MUST match an existing (NON-BUNDLE) Product Variant.

Once the mapping template is created, you will:

  • Select the mapping template
  • Upload the file
  • Configure file import settings as needed
  • Click "Run Product Bundle Upload"

After the file has been processed, you will find the bundle(s) in the Product Catalog, and a notification with the processing details.


With Import Bundles, you now have the ability to import up to 50 component SKUs.

Ordering Bundled Items

When an order is placed for a bundled item, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • The bundled item will appear on the order, as this information is typically needed to associate the item to your sales channel's order.
  • The components of this bundled item will also be displayed below
  • When Generating Fulfillment Requests/Fulfillment Orders (FR/FOs), the bundled item will leverage the component SKUs of the bundle to find associated source variants and FR/FOs for those source variants.

Shipments provided by the source fulfilling the fulfillment request/fulfillment orders will use the component SKUs. Once a bundled item has been fully shipped, this information will be passed back to the channel.