Product Dimensions & Weights


Product dimensions and weights describe the dimensions, weights, and units of specific inventory variants.

  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
Dimension Units
  • Inches (in)
  • Centimetres (cm)
Weight Units
  • Pounds (lb)
  • Ounces (oz)
  • Grams (g)
  • Kilograms (kg)

How Are Dimensions and Weights Used?

Dimensions and weights are leveraged during real-time estimations, such as rate shopping, and can also be passed through to a sales channel, if needed.

Dimensions can be configured at all levels.

It's most important to get dimensions right when importing from the source. They are only required at this level for rate shopping. When creating product variants from source inventory, Flxpoint will automatically map the source dimension values in, unless specifically overwritten.

If Rate Shopping is set up, a package size will be derived based on the dimensions and weights of all the items on a fulfillment request/fulfillment orders during the Routing Orders process. An estimated rate will be retrieved using this derived package size.

Without dimensions, weights, and units, real-time estimations like this are not possible.

How to Set Up Dimensions and Weights

Dimensions and weights in Flxpoint are typically imported from a source.

Configure the Get Inventory [Primary] mapping template to include these fields and ensure the correct unit is being mapped. See Integrating a Source.

You may also bulk customize to add the dimensions and weights at a later time.

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