ShipStation as a Source

ShipStation as a Source supports the core source operations, such as retrieving product data (no quantity), sending fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders (FR/FOs), and retrieving shipments for those FR/FOs.


Your ShipStation account's API key and API secret can (currently) be found on ShipStation, under Account → API Settings.

ShipStation does not provide inventory levels for listings, so this must be handled elsewhere, such as a file configured for Get Inventory [Secondary].

Product Operations

Get Inventory [Primary]


ShipStation currently has limited capabilities: limited product data and no inventory is provided. Shipstation DOES NOT support variations.

Get Inventory [Secondary]


ShipStation does not support providing inventory levels.

Order Operations

Send Fulfillment Requests/Fulfillment Orders


Get Shipments


Get Source Invoices


Store ID
While not mandatory, Store ID can be a useful configuration for your Shipstation account. This allows for orders from this source to be sent to a specific StoreID inside of Shipstation.

The Store ID is configured on the Mapping template for Send PO/FR, and the Store ID required to configure can be found using the below method:

Here’s a quick video of how to grab the store ID from the UI

1. From the store setup page, right click in anywhere in the whitespace of the ShipStation UI
2. Select “inspect” or “inspect element” (browser dependent)
3. From the Inspect window, select the “Network” tab
4. In the ShipStation UI, click “edit” next to the store in question
5. The store ID will present itself in the Inspector window