Inventory Source

Inventory Source provides a feed for product data and integrates via the Flxpoint API for core order operations.

Configuring Access or your Senior Product Specialist (SPS) will create an Inventory Source account for you in order to leverage pre-built integrations between Inventory Source and supported suppliers.

You will also be provided your Inventory Source file feed URL and API token for such integrations once created.

Day-to-Day Account Management
You will not need to log into Inventory Source to manage daily activities, but you or your SPS may need to configure the integrations in Inventory Source initially.

Product Operations

Get Inventory [Primary]


This process can pull full product data of an existing supplier (available in the Inventory Source Supplier Directory) including variation structure, inventory and pricing via Inventory Source data feed URL.

Get Inventory [Secondary]


Inventory data is included with product data.

Order Operations

Send FRs/FOs


To configure sending fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders (FRs/FOs), you must provide the source API key to Inventory Source to configure.

Get Shipments

SUPPORTED via Flxpoint API

This uses the same API key as the Send FRs/FOs integration, so providing this API Key to Inventory Source allows them to authenticate and provide shipments for any submitted FRs/FOs.

Get Source Invoices


Get FR/FO Acknowledgements


Acknowledgements are currently provided by Inventory Source once a FR/FO is successfully received via Flxpoint API.