Inventory Source

Inventory Source can be connected as a channel in Flxpoint. This integration represents a B2B channel.

Since Inventory Source serves as a channel that you can use to get B2B resellers connected to your catalog (and eligible to submit orders), some special nuances must be considered:

  • This connection will be created via the Flxpoint Reseller Portal
  • This will give users a manual way to view products and orders directly in the Reseller Portal, and also an automated way for users to get updated product data and submit orders (Inventory Source leverages the Reseller Feed for listing operations and is integrated to the Flxpoint API for order operations).

Listing Operations

Your Reseller Feed provided to users via the Reseller Portal will be used by Inventory Source for product data, quantity, and pricing.

Order Operations

Each Inventory Source user will need to configure their Flxpoint Reseller Portal token within Inventory Source. This will allow these Inventory Source users to submit orders to you and receive tracking once it becomes available.

Flxpoint Reseller Portal users must be either auto-approved or manually approved by a Flxpoint user to obtain a Reseller Portal token that enables them to submit orders to you.

Invoicing is also an important workflow here. Since users will be submitting orders directly to you, you must choose to either charge or defer these orders.

You can also set up unique workflows to attach estimated shipping costs, fees, etc. These invoices must then be authorized by your resellers (this can be automated by them). Once authorized, the invoices must be captured by you.

For more information around this invoicing process, see Channel Invoices .

To learn more about how to manage resellers as a whole, see Reseller Management.

For assistance setting this up, loop in your Flxpoint account representative.