Ingram Micro

How to Connect

A valid, active, Ingram Micro account is required, along with the following credentials

  1. Client Number (The expected format is ##-######)
  2. Client ID
  3. Client Secret
  4. FTP Username
  5. FTP Password

FTP Username and FTP Password is given upon request. Client Number, Client ID, and Client Secret can be found by logging in to your account here and creating an app through the steps below.

App Configuration

You will need to login to your Ingram Micro account and create a Production App. When creating the App you should enable these permissions:

Your app approval can take up to 48 hours but is usually completed in <24 hours.

Once your app is approved you will be provided a Client ID and Client Secret, your Client Number is highlighted below.

Get Inventory [Primary]


The Get Inventory Primary operation is responsible for importing product data from one of a few sources.

You are able to get product data through two different methods:

  • If you have an Etilize SpexBasic, SpexFlx, or SpexFlx + images plan you can use one of our prebuilt operations to import robust product content. Learn more about Etilize plans here.
  • If you do not have an Etilize account you can use an Inventory Source connector to import product data.
    • To learn more about Inventory Source Connectors please check here.

Send FRs/FOs


Send FRs/FOs is responsible for the submission of FRs to Ingram Micro. This is currently only available through the Flxpoint API. Please contact us via email at to configure this operation.

Get Shipments


Get Shipments is the operation responsible for importing tracking information from Ingram Micro into your Flxpoint account. This is currently only available through the Flxpoint API. Please contact us via email at to configure this operation.

Get Inventory [Secondary]



The purpose of this operation is to allow for up to 100,000 products to be updated every hour through Ingram Micro's API.

Ingram Micro has a limit of 100,000 SKUs per hour through their API. Our system will not allow you to try to queue over 100,000 products in this operation; doing so puts your Ingram Micro account at risk of losing access to Ingram Micro's API.

Flxpoint Configuration for Get Inventory Secondary

Once your app has been approved and the integration has been enabled by our team there are a few steps to get this working.

  1. Create an export at the Source Level for all of the products you would like to monitor on an hourly basis. (Up to 100k)

    1. If you are using a SKU prefix, you will need to strip the SKU prefix from the file in order for Ingram to accept the file.
    2. When creating an export, the value in the exported column must be the product's SKU from Ingram Micro. This operation will fail if you attempt to submit an MPN, UPC, or non-SKU data point.
  2. Upload the export to your Get Inventory Secondary operation.

  3. Select the warehouses you would like to monitor.

  4. Configure your connection and Mapping template.

  5. Run the job.


  • The export file must only contain one column and the header of that column must be "SKU".

  • Selecting one or multiple warehouses only attempts to import products from those selected warehouses.

    • If you are attempting to import product 123 from Warehouse A and the product is archived after the job, the product does not exist at the selected warehouse(s).
  • The Miami Warehouse will return nulls for any account that is not approved to receive or ship inventory from this warehouse