Kroll as a Source


This document will cover how to connect Kroll as a source and what integrations we support with Kroll.

How To Connect

You need to fill out your 

  • Connection Name
  • FTP Username
  • FTP Password
  • Account Number
  • API Username
  • API Password
  • Payment Terms 

Account Number/ FTP Username

  • This is your Kroll CustomerID

FTP Password

  • The password is assigned to you after you gain access to the FTP

API Username and Password

  • The email and password you use while loginning into Kroll

Supported Operations

Get Inventory [Primary] SUPPORTED

Send Fulfillment Requests SUPPORTED

Get Shipments SUPPORTED

Get Invoices SUPPORTED

Get Fulfillment Request Acknowledgements NOT SUPPORTED

Get Inventory Images NOT SUPPORTED

Get Inventory [Secondary] SUPPORTED

Product Operations

Get Inventory [Primary]



  • Multiple warehouses is not supported
  • Up to 3 levels of categories supported
  • Can pull 1 image per row in the FTP file

Custom Fields

  • Only certain fields like "Hazardous" and "Country of Origin" can be mapped


Get Inventory [Secondary]


Only retrieves product pricing and quantity


  • Can pull in weight and dimensions
  • Cannot pull in custom fields in using Get Inventory [Secondary] has to be pulled in using Get Inventory [Primary] 

Order Operations

Send Fulfillment Requests



  • Flxpoint Order ID is sent as the "Purchase Order Number"
  • Flxpoint Purchase Order number is sent as the "External PO Number", but can be changed in the mapping template if needed

Valid ShipVia Values

  • FedExPriorityOvernight
  • CustomerPickUp
  • FedExExpressSaver
  • FedExStandardOvernight
  • FedExGround
  • FedExTwoDay
  • UPSNextDayAir
  • UPSSecondDayAir
  • UPSGround
  • UPSThreeDaySelect
  • UPSNextDayAirSaver
  • UPSNextDayAirEarlyAM
  • UPSSecondDayAirAM
  • USPSParcelPost
  • USPSFirstClass
  • LessThanLoadFreight
  • ExpressMail
  • FedExSmartPost
  • BestRate
  • FlatRate

Payment Method

  • Must map either CreditCard or AccountTerms


Get Shipments



  • We support partial shipments

Common Error

  • Warning : Cannot Find a Purchase Order for Shipment {purchaseOrderNumber}
    • This means that we found a shipment, but we can’t associate this shipment to any FRs we have on file. This might happen if the FR was submitted manually, for example. You can ignore these warnings and these shipments will naturally fall off as time goes on.


Get Invoices



  • We do not support cancellation responses
  • Item Association is linked to SKU