
eBay Quickstart Video Guide

These videos will go in depth on eBay's platform and how to get setup on eBay. For additional information on the connection details for Flxpoint and eBay, please jump to our How To Connect details.

  1. Getting Started on eBay Seller Hub: This guide gives information on eBay's new Seller Hub and how to convert to the new Seller Hub. It also gives a general overview of eBay.

  2. eBay Listings Guide: Getting Started on eBay

    1. Provides information on how to Create or Manage Listings from eBay
    2. Shows how to Link and Sync through UPC or SKU
    3. Flxpoint is unable to create products on your eBay, so it will be necessary to manually create from your end and then link it through Flxpoint.
    4. For additional information on Dropshipping with Flxpoint and Tips, please see our text document that reviews this: Getting Started on eBay
  3. eBay File Export & Linking:

    1. This will review how to create an export template on Flxpoint, and then how to go into your Reports on Seller Hub to import this template (XLSX or CSV).

    2. Prior to importing it into eBay, you will need to select and create a template on eBay, download it, and then fill in the data from Flxpoint's export into the eBay template.

    3. Afterwards, re-upload eBay's template that you updated with the information taken from Flxpoint's export.

      1. Red fields on eBay's template will indicate that it is required.
      2. Necessary to have a UPC or Custom Label (SKU).
    4. For Additional information on this, please see our text document that reviews this: eBay's File Export & Linking

How To Connect

Connection Details

  • Connection Name: REQUIRED
  • Auth Token: REQUIRED
  • Country Code: REQUIRED

Locating the Auth Token

Auth Token

  • Login to the eBay Developer portal
  • Locate Application Access Keys under the first drop-down menu
  • Click on User Tokens adjacent to APP ID
  • Under Environment, select Production and click on Get OAuth Application Token
  • Copy the token and paste it in the Auth Token section with Flxpoint



Country Code

US or CA

Generating Refresh Token For OAuth Connection Type

The Refresh Token can be generated by clicking on the link to generate a new one, it will redirect you to your eBay Sellerhub Account; thus, integrating your eBay channel directly with Flxpoint.

If you have not yet setup an eBay connection:

  1. Click on the Channels tab (left-side) and click the blue + sign to add a Channel.

  2. Set the Channel name to eBay (or what you would like to)

  3. Then, you are going to click the gear icon, click on Integrations and select “Sync Listings”

  4. Click the Edit button to configure this integration.

  5. Select “eBay” as your Connection type and then click “+ New Connection” to add a new one.

  6. From here, you will select “Ebay OAuth2” from the drop down menu and fill in the require fields based on the information above.

    1. If you would like to ensure you're on Ebay OAuth2 setup, click "Other Ways To Connect" and select it.

Callout for setting up eBay Connection
After step 6 above, to complete the eBay connection setup you should
1. Enter a connection name and your Country Code
2. Save the connection and exit
3. Re-enter the connection window and then generate the token

Supported Operations

Sync Listings SUPPORTED

Publish Listings NOT SUPPORTED

Link Listings SUPPORTED



Listing Operations

Sync Listings


The Sync operation syncs any changes that have been made to listings since the last time sync was performed. This is used primarily to update Quantity data and List Price data.

Publish Listings


Flxpoint does plan on building out the ability to create new listings on eBay, but this function is not currently available. We recommend using a different method of creating listings on your eBay store.

To learn more about creating listings, please check here.

The template file is provided here.

Link Listings


The Link Listings operation allows Flxpoint to connect Flxpoint listings to your existing eBay products, as long as the SKU or UPC matches between the two systems. This preserves your current product data, and allows updates without explicitly publishing listings.

Deleting Products
If you delete a product on your store without using Flxpoint, the item will still be shown as "Linked" inside of Flxpoint until the next listing sync; in which case, the listing will be changed to a "Broken Link" status.

You will need to unlink and relink the items in your Listings section to fix this.

Order Operations

Shipping Mappings


This ensures orders are being imported from eBay and mapped to a central shipping policy in Flxpoint. You will need to provide the Shipping Text associated with the Default Shipping Services that is currently offered on your eBay account.

To determine what to populate in your Flxpoint Channel Shipping Text, go into eBay and go to Business Policies > Create Policy (or Edit) > Shipping > Services section:

The text displayed in the eBay Services section, not including the parentheses, will need to be entered into Flxpoint without spaces, as shown below.

Get Orders


You must configure your Shipping Mappings prior to running Get Orders for orders to import properly.

The Get orders operation retrieves any new orders from eBay that have not yet been imported, and it will send back Acknowledgements for those orders.

Sync Orders


The Sync order operation syncs any changes that have been made to order(s) since the last time the sync was performed. The most common use of this operation is to update tracking information to an existing order.