General Settings

Company Information

Company information is required for the following Flxpoint features:

Navigate to your company information, by clicking on the Settings Gear Icon >>> General.

To update your company information, enter the appropriate values in each field and click Update at the bottom of the page.

Company Name & Logo

If you are electing to use Flxpoint's Vendor Management and/or Reseller Management features, you will want to update your company name and company logo, as this is visible in both portals.


Flxpoint offers an array of currency options for your account. The list of available currencies is searchable and has filters for code, symbol, and country.

It is important to note that the currency setting does not convert pricing from one currency to another. Updating the currency will only update the type of currency shown.

To update your account's currency setting:

  • Click Edit
  • Click Select to the left of desired currency
  • Click Confirm
  • Look for green success notification pop-up.

Packing Slip Note

A packing slip is a document that includes the complete list of items included in a package. Often, our customers like to add custom notes to thank their customers for doing business with them.

For more information on packing slips, please see: Fulfillment Requests / Fulfillment Orders


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