Shipping Labels

Flxpoint simplifies the process of fulfilling your orders by integrating with ShipEngine, a platform designed to streamline your shipping needs. ShipEngine eliminates the complexities of working directly with carrier APIs and protocols, allowing you to focus on managing your business.

With Flxpoint's integration to ShipEngine's API, you can:

  • Rate Shop: Compare rates across multiple carriers to find the most cost-effective shipping option.
  • Purchase Shipping Labels: Buy labels directly within Flxpoint, making order fulfillment seamless and efficient.

This integration empowers you to manage your shipping and fulfillment needs in one centralized platform where you already handle your orders.

For detailed instructions on setting up a ShipEngine account and connecting it to Flxpoint, please refer to our guide: ShipEngine & Flxpoint.



What's Required to Buy a Shipping Label?

The following are required to purchase a shipping label:

  • An established ShipEngine Account that has at least one Carrier Account connected (see below)
  • Package Details: From and To Address, Ship Date, Items and Qty to Include, Package Dimensions, and (Packed) Weight
  • The Source must have at least one source shipping method mapped to a shipping carrier with an associated carrier account connected on ShipEngine
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Eligible Fulfillment Request Status

Shipping labels are directly associated to FR/FOs and can only be purchased when a FR/FO is "unprocessed."



Purchasing a Shipping Label

To purchase a shipping label, you must have an Unprocessed fulfillment requests or fulfillment orders.

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Once you have an Unprocessed FR/FO, you will need to:

  1. Open the order
  2. Scroll down to the fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders section
  3. Find the FR(s) that need a shipping label
  4. Click Actions in the FR/FO
  5. Click Buy Shipping Label
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A fly-out will appear with the following information to be completed in the top section:

Field Description
"From" Address Will automatically populate with the Source Address by default, if available. Note: Editing this in the fly-out will only update the address for the label and will NOT update the address for the source.
"To" Address Will automatically populate with the FR/FO Shipping Address by default, if available. Note: Editing this in the fly-out will only update the address for the label and will NOT update the shipping address for the FR/FO.
Shipping Date Will automatically populate with the current date by default; can be modified as needed.
Auto Create Shipment Will automatically create a shipment on this order using the tracking information provided on the shipping label.

Line Item Quantity

  • You can choose the quantity of each line item for the shipping label
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Next, under the Line Items section, specify which item(s) and how many will be shipped using this label. For any item(s) with weight associated, it will be used to estimate the total package weight in the next section.

  • Note: Entire line items or partial quantity can be removed from the label as needed. This might be necessary when all items from the FR/FO cannot fit into a single package.
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Afterward, enter the package details for your shipment. Some notes regarding this:

  • Total Weight will be calculated by default to a sum of all available line item weights in the selected weight unit + the selected package weight (can be changed).
  • Total Weight Unit will be selected by default as the weight unit of the selected package, or if none is added yet, the first line item (can be changed). Line item weights will be converted as needed.
  • You must click Add Package to proceed with add supplementary package details; after a package selection is made, we will attempt to re-calculate and update the total weight and unit accordingly.
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To select a default Carrier Package:

  • The source must have a Source Shipping Methods connected to a Global Shipping Carrier Method
  • The carrier must be connected on the provider account
  • After choosing the carrier, select a package to continue creating your shipping label

Alternatively, you may want to create or re-use a custom package for your shipping label by clicking the Custom Packaging tab.

  • All fields are required to save a new custom package.
  • Click the checkbox "Save this package for future use" to save the package in Flxpoint to re-use again later.
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After entering the shipment details and selecting your package, you must check rates before purchasing a label:

  • Doing so will allow you to select the shipping method to use with the label.
  • We will rate shop for the available and configured Global Source Shipping Methods and return estimates to select from (if more than one).
  • Multiple rates (based on eligible package size) and/or multiple shipping methods could be returned; you must select your desired method for shipping.
  • After selecting your method, click Add Method.
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After a method is selected, you can add insurance to the order by declaring the package value.


  • The insurance is connected via a third-party software, ParcelGuard.
  • Coverage Details can be found by clicking "Coverage Details" under where you input the package value.
  • After you opt in or out of insurance, you can select the delivery confirmation method.
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Note: The Estimated Rate displayed does not include carrier-specific fees. These additional charges may be applied by the shipping provider.

After you select your delivery method, the Estimated Rate (Cost without fees) including the price of insurance, if enabled, will be populated and the Buy Shipping Label button will be enabled.

  • Label Size can be configured if needed (the default is 4"x6")

Once you have clicked Buy Shipping Label, you will be shown a preview screen to review the details on the shipping label before purchasing.

After successfully purchasing the label, you will receive a confirmation message and will be presented with the option to select a format (PDF, PNG, or ZPL) you'd like to have the label in to attach to your FR/FO (or you can skip this step). The main purpose of attaching to the FR/FO is for sending via an email  integration.



Insurance Pricing

Insurance costs vary based on the shipping carrier and declared package value. The following rates apply:

Carrier Service Cost per $100 of Coverage
USPS Domestic $1.09
USPS International $1.39
Non-USPS Domestic $0.99
Non-USPS International $1.39
FedEx Ground Economy (Domestic) $0.99 (Previously $1.09)

Example Insurance Cost Calculations

USPS Domestic - Package valued at $150

  • Base shipping cost: $5.00
  • Insurance cost: $2.18 ($1.09 per $100 coverage)
  • Total estimated cost: $7.18

Non-USPS Domestic - Package valued at $250

  • Base shipping cost: $5.00
  • Insurance cost: $2.97 ($0.99 per $100 coverage)
  • Total estimated cost: $7.97

Insurance is optional and will be applied only when a Declared Package Value is entered. The Cost (without fees) displayed will reflect insurance if selected, but additional carrier-specific fees may apply.



Managing Shipping Labels

After a label is purchased, you may view and download or void the shipping label created for your FR/FO by selecting the Manage Shipping Labels action. The Cost (without fees) displayed in the Manage Shipping Labels section includes the base shipping cost and insurance (if applied). Additional carrier-specific charges may be added separately."

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  • A Label Purchased badge will appear on your FR/FO next to View Attachment(s) after you have successfully purchased a shipping label.
  • If the label was added as an attachment, it will be available to view/download or delete via the View Attachment(s) button. Note: Deleting from here will only delete the attachment, not the shipping label reference in Flxpoint.
  • After a label is purchased, to add it as an attachment, go to the Actions dropdown and click Add Attachment, then select Shipping Label from the dropdown, and upload the label file.
  • If Update Channel with Shipment Details was enabled at purchase, a shipment will be created with the information from the package label.
  • An entry can be found each time a label is purchased or voided in the Order Status History (see the order Actions dropdown in the top right-hand corner of the page).
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After clicking Manage Shipping Labels, you will be presented with the shipping labels purchased for the FR/FO.

  • For each label, you can view or void (if not previously voided)
  • Once voided, there will be a timestamp marking when the void occurred




Printing Shipping Labels

To bulk print your shipping labels:

  • Navigate to Orders >>> Fulfillment Requests
  • Select the Checkbox next to desired fulfillment requests
  • Click Print
  • Select appropriate Shipping Label option
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Vendor Portal: Send Shipping Labels

If you are using Flxpoint's Vendor Portal for sending FR/FO(s) to your vendors, once the FR has been processed with a purchased label, the shipping label will automatically be accessible to your vendor through the portal (without needing to attach the label to the FR).

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  • If a shipment was configured to automatically create, it will appear in the fulfillments section with the associated label and tracking number.
  • If a shipment was not created, label(s) can still be viewed via the View Labels button.
  • After a shipment is added with the associated tracking number, it will be visible with the label under the fulfillment section.


Automating Shipping Labels


Product Dimensions Required 

In order to utilize Flxpoint's rate shopping and shipping label automation features, your products must have dimensions listed (i.e. width, length, weight, etc.).

If you are missing dimension information, you can add dimensions using our bulk customization tool.

Here's a useful Dimensions Customization Template to help you get started. Make a copy of this template, fill in your data, and upload the file into our customization tool.

Requirements to Automate Shipping Labels:

  • Create and connect your ShipEngine account to Flxpoint.
  • Enable shipping labels.
  • Ensure funds are available in your ShipEngine account.
  • Configure shipping your shipping management.
  • Set your packing preferences (Flxpoint's best fit packages vs manually selecting package sizes).
  • Decide if you would like to filter specific carriers and shipping methods.
  • Configure your fulfillment request strategy.
  • Add fulfillment request workflow rules to guide the shipping label purchase process. (Example rules shown below.)

*As of January 2024, enabling rate shopping is no longer required to auto-purchase shipping labels.


FR Workflow Rule Examples

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Automate Shipping Labels Notifications

The automation of a shipping label may fail if errors are encountered during the rate shopping or shipping label purchase process. If this occurs, you will see an error notification displayed on the fulfillment request. You can also view the fulfillment request logs for more information on the error.


Enable Automate Shipping Label Failure Notifications

We recommend enabling notifications for when an automating shipping labels purchase fails. To do so, please follow these steps:

Global Settings Gear  Notifications → Enable Automate Shipping Label Failure Toggle. Once enabled, you will receive an email notification if the shipping label automation fails.

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Automated Fulfillment Request Strategy

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Automate Package Attachments

Enabling Automate Package Attachments will allow Flxpoint to automatically send shipping labels and/or packing slips along with the respective fulfillment request.

To enable auto attaching packing slips and/or shipping labels to the fulfillment requests:

  • Select the desired source and click the settings icon
  • Select fulfillment requests
  • Select strategy
  • Click on the toggle to enable auto-attachment

Limited Support: Auto-attachment is only supported for file-based, HTML, or PDF integrations.


Automate Fulfillment Tracking

Enabling Create Shipment From Shipping Label will allow Flxpoint to automatically create a shipment after a shipping label is auto-purchased and the Fulfillment Request is processed or acknowledged.

Manually Purchased Shipping Labels Not Supported: Create Shipment From Shipping Label will not apply to manually purchased shipping labels.



Adding Custom Messaging to Shipping Labels

Enabling Feature Required: To enable access to this feature on your account:

  • Navigate to Feature Opt In/Out in the global settings.
  • Click the toggle to enable.
  • Click the blue update button to save.

To add custom messaging to shipping labels, Navigate to Global Settings, Select the Orders menu, Click Shipping Labels. , Select desired carrier (Carrier account must be connected to ShipEngine).

Map the following Flxpoint fields to any available field for each carrier:

  • Fulfillment Request Number
  • Order ID ( Read Only)
  • Order Reference Number
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Carrier Custom Fields Available
  • Customer Reference (REF) - 35 Character Limit
  • Reference 1 - 60 Character Limit
  • Reference 2 - 60 Character Limit
  • Reference 3 - 60 Character Limit
FedEx CA & US
  • Customer Reference (REF) - 35 Character Limit
  • Purchase Order Number (PO) - 35 Character Limit
DHL Express
  • Customer Reference (REF) - 35 Character Limit
  • Reference 1 - 25 Character Limit
  • Reference 2 - 25 Character Limit
*If the character limit is exceeded when generating a label, the value will be automatically shortened.

Flxpoint Pro Tip: Adding Rules: Rules can be configured on each field to add additional data or modify the mapped value.

Character Limits: Any values exceeding the character limit will automatically be truncated upon label creation.



Shipping Labels & the Vendor Portal

If you are utilizing the Vendor Portal, you may now allow your ShipEngine integration to be shared with vendors so your vendors can create shipping labels directly from the Vendor Portal.

To enable shared ShipEngine access:

  • Click on Sources
  • Navigate to Vendors
  • Select desired vendor
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and locate Allow Vendors to Create Shipping Labels
  • Click toggle to enable
  • Click Update to complete
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Once you have granted shared access to your vendor, your vendor has the following options on their fulfillment requests:

  • Buy Shipping Label = create and buy new shipping labels
  • Manage Shipping Labels = view and download previous shipping labels

Shipments Automatically Created: When your vendor purchases a shipping label, a shipment will automatically be created.


Frequently Asked Questions

Billing & Payments
1. Do I need to enter my billing information in ShipEngine?
Yes. Flxpoint integrates directly with ShipEngine's API, and when you rate shop for a FR/FO or purchase a shipping label, this transaction will be charged directly through ShipEngine. By default, you will be subscribed to their "Pay-as-You-Go" plan that charges cents and fractions of cents per transaction. After you have created a free account, you can go here to learn more about billing plans.
2. Will the billing information added in ShipEngine be used for shipping charges?
No. This billing information will be used for your ShipEngine API subscription/overquota fees and ParcelGuard insurance purchases. Your shipping charges are separate and must be managed with your shipping provider. You can add your billing details here.
Carrier & Shipping Labels
3. Do I need to have access to all of the different carriers ShipEngine has access to?
No. Currently, we only support:
  • FedEx (CA & US)
  • DHL Express
  • UPS
  • USPS/
If there is a carrier that ShipEngine provides that you do not see on this list and is required for your business operations, please reach out to our support team so we can evaluate adding it to our platform.
4. Can I use the ShipEngine account automatically created for me when setting up rate shopping to also purchase shipping labels?
No. The free account that was set up for you only supports rate shopping and cannot be used to purchase shipping labels, as it does not have access to your billing information.
5. Can I still use the ShipEngine account automatically created for me just for rate shopping and use my personal ShipEngine account just for shipping labels?
No. Flxpoint will only allow one set of active credentials for our ShipEngine integration.

This means, if you are currently using the free account we created for you for Rate Shopping, once you have connected your own ShipEngine API key for shipping labels, we will use your account going forward for rate shopping as well as shipping labels. But not to worry, rate shopping only costs a fraction of a cent for each request.
Support & Additional Help
Need additional help with your ShipEngine account?
Check out ShipEngine's Help Center or send them a message directly by clicking the Help? button in the bottom-right-hand corner of the page once logged into your ShipEngine account.


How can I help?