In step 7 of the onboarding flow, you'll determine your shipping management strategy by configuring shipping policies. Shipping Policies bind...
Shipments represent the items that have been shipped out from your sources. A shipment typically originates from a source via the...
There may be instances where it is necessary to create a shipment manually rather than having it processed automatically. Two...
Shipping Management in Flxpoint is your centralized hub for organizing and automating shipping across sources and sales channels. It allows...
Flxpoint simplifies the process of fulfilling your orders by integrating with ShipEngine, a platform designed to streamline your shipping needs....
What Is Rate Shopping? Rate shopping is the process of retrieving estimated shipping rates via an external rate shopper, such...
ShipEngine is a platform that helps to manage your shipping needs without worrying about the complexities of carrier APIs and...
What Are Shipping Policies? Shipping Policies bind together channel shipping mappings and eligible source shipping methods. In short: An incoming...
What Are Source Shipping Methods? Source shipping methods represent the different ways a source can physically ship an order out...
What Are Channel Shipping Mappings? Channel shipping mappings allow orders being imported from a channel to be mapped to a...
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