Publish & Overwrite Listings

With Flxpoint's Publish tool, you are able to create new sale listings on your sales platform. Once the listings are created, you can maintain and update the listings using our Overwrite feature.


  • Publish: To create brand-new listings on your sales platform.
  • Overwrite: To update "static" product data fields on your sales platform. Static data = images, titles, descriptions, brand, categories, options, and attributes.
  • Dynamic Data: Pricing and quantity are "dynamic" data fields. Any pricing and quantity updates flow through automatically and do not require the Publish / Overwrite tool.

Link Listings Tool 

Looking to connect to your existing sale listings instead of creating new ones? Use our Link Listings tool! Flxpoint can connect to your existing listings based on key identifiers (such as SKU, UPC, MPN or ASIN). 

Before You Get Started

  1. Integrate a Source
  2. Build inventory from Source Inventory into Channel Listings
  3. Integrate a Channel

Customize your product data and automate your pricing and quantity workflows before publishing listings to your sales platform.

Publishing and Overwriting may not be supported on all channels. Please see channel specific doc for all supported integrations and actions.

Instructions & Guided Exercise

How to Publish Overwrite

  • Click the Products tag icon
  • Select Channel Listings
  • Click checkbox to select Not Listed listings
  • Select Actions
  • Click Publish / Overwrite
  • Select Confirm to complete

How to Cancel Action

  • Select listings in a Publishing or Overwriting status
  • Click Actions
  • Select Edit
  • Click Cancel Action
  • Select Yes to complete
Flxpoint Pro Tip

If you would like to remove a published listing, use our Delist feature.

Cancelling an action will not affect products published before the action was cancelled.


1. The Publish / Overwrite button is greyed out. Why?
To access the Publish / Overwrite button, you must first select the listings you would like to publish or overwrite.
2. I published my listings. Why aren't they on my store?

There may be a variety of reasons your listings did not import into your channel. This could be due to a marketplace's restrictions, connection issues, or general error messages.

Start troubleshooting by navigating to:

Channels >>> Publish Listings Integration for Desired Channel >>> Recent Notifications at the bottom of the screen

Here you should see any error messages from the channel.

3. I'm seeing a red triangle on the Channel Listings Screen. How do I resolve this?

The red triangle icon is a Failure Notice. If you commit an action (such as Publish / Overwrite) and we are unable to finish the action for whatever reason, this icon will appear.

Hover over the Failure Notice for more information and a direct link to the affected Channel.

This notification will go away after the next successful action committed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I already have products on my store?

Looking to connect to your existing sale listings instead of creating new ones?

Use our Link Listings tool!

Flxpoint can connect to your existing listings based on key identifiers (such as SKU, UPC, MPN or ASIN). 

2. Can I automate Publish / Overwrite?

Yes! You can utilize our Listing Status Workflows to determine when a listing should be automatically set to a Publishing / Overwriting status. Once in this status, the next scheduled Publish Listings Integration job will automatically push these listings to your sales channel.

Need help setting up rules? Reach out to Flxpoint Support. We're happy to help!

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