Fully Connect Your Sales Channel


In the last step of onboarding, you'll focus on connecting the remaining integrations for your primary channel.

Integrating a channel provides an automated way to perform important processes and operations, such as:

  • Publishing new product content to a channel
  • Syncing latest pricing/quantity data to a channel
  • Retrieving new orders from a channel that need to be fulfilled
  • Syncing shipments for orders retrieved from the channel

Channel Integrations

Publish Listings

Publishing listings allows you to push any new product content that has changed since the last time they were published. This operation will either:

  • Create a new product if it is unlinked
  • Overwrite existing product content if it is linked to an existing listing

For more information on publishing listings, please see: Publishing Listings

Sync Orders

This syncs back order data to the platform. Currently, the main functionality supported by this operation is:

  • Syncing back shipments for an order
  • Sync back an acknowledgement once the order is imported into Flxpoint (supported by some integrations)

In the future, additional order life-cycle hooks may be added.

For more information on orders, please see: Orders.

Sync Listings

Syncing listings allows any new price, quantity, and status (PQS) changes to be synced to the external channel. Syncing does not include product content. In addition to pushing new PQS data, this operation also allows any queued actions to:

  • Delist: completely deletes the listing from the external channel
  • Hide: does not delete the listing, but hides it on the external channel (i.e. usually means not visible for purchasing)
  • Unhide: if a listing is hidden, this will unhide it so it can be purchased again
Send Accouting Orders

Through the channel integration, Flxpoint allows you to send orders from your sales channel to QuickBooks.

For more information on configuring your QuickBooks integration, please see: Accounting & Quickbooks Online

Custom Export Operation Custom export operation allows you to export your current sales channel listings as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) or TSV (Tab Separated Values) file.

How to Connect and Integrate

Requirements and supported integrations vary by channel. For more information, please the specific documentation for your channel.

Recommended Articles

Recommended Article: Integrating a Channel

Please see Integrating a Channel for more information on:

  • How to integrate
  • Listing operations
  • Order operations
Recommended Article: Channels

Please see Channels for more information on:

  • What are channels and how are they used
  • Creating a new channel
Recommended Article: Popular Channels

Please see these quick links to our popular channels: