Archiving Inventory

When an inventory record is no longer offered by your source, it will identify as "Archived".

When this happens, the inventory record will be marked as "Archived" and quantity will be set to 0.

Typically, this will happen automatically when the inventory is removed from the feed, but this can also be configured through rules, mapping templates, and some integration settings.

What is Archiving?

Archiving is the concept of an inventory being "discontinued" or "no longer offered" by your Source(s).

When inventory is archived, the quantity is zeroed out for the Source.

  • If that item was only offered by one source - this will mean the quantity will then be synced up to your Product & Listing to show "Zero Quantity"
  • If there are additional Sources that offer this same item (and have NOT archived this item yet), then those Sources quantities will be factored in as normal still.

How To Archive Inventory

Archiving can be manually turned on in the case of CSV/XLSX with Get Inventory [Primary] and Get Inventory [Secondary].

For other source types, the archiving feature is automated or can be mapped by creating a set of rules while integrating the source.

By default, the archiving feature is set to disabled for all new integrations.

Archiving For CSV/XLSX Integration Types

When using both Get Inventory [Primary] and Get Inventory [Secondary], it's important you first determine which integration should control archiving inventory.

When you decide which integration is handling archiving, enable Archive/Un-Archive Inventory toggle for only that integration.

Enabling Archiving Feature for GI-P & GI-S Simultaneously 

We do not recommend enabling "Archive/Un-Archive Inventory" for both GI-P and GI-S once an inventory record has been archived by a particular integration, only that integration can un-archive the inventory. 
If you have any questions about how you should set your integration up, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

How to Enable Archive/Un-Archive Inventory
  • From the homepage, click "Sources"
  • Click into the source you'd like to configure
  • Navigate to Get Inventory [Primary] (or Get Inventory [Secondary])
  • This should be a CSV/XLSX integration type
  • Under Configuration settings, enable "Archive/Un-Archive Inventory"
  • Click "Save and Proceed".

Archiving via Mapping Templates & Mapping Rules (Any Integration Type)

Sometimes your source will not remove the inventory from your feed, instead they will update a field like "Discontinued" to indicate the inventory have been removed.

To handle this, in your Get Inventory [Primary] or Get Inventory [Secondary] templates, you can map to this type of fields and create rules to set the inventory to archived when certain conditions are met.

  • Navigate to your Get Inventory [Primary] (or Get Inventory [Secondary]) mapping template
  • By default, "Archived" is set to "Don't Map"
  • Map to the field that indicates inventory has been discontinued
  • Create a rule that will set "Archived" to "True" when certain conditions are met

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will listings linked to archived inventory variants remain on my channel?
  • Yes, the listings will remain on the channel, however, the quantity will be set to 0 when all linked inventory is archived. If you'd like, you can create a rule in the Listing Status Workflow to hide or delist listings with a quantity of 0.
2. How do I check the archiving status and history?
  • Clicking on the product under channel listing will land you to the inventory variant page where you can see the product status. Click on the history to see archiving history and details of the product

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