Importing Source Inventory

Importing Source Inventory allows you to retrieve rich product data, pricing, quantity and/or status information from your source(s).

After Source Inventory is imported, you can build your Product Catalog and Channel Listings.

Before You Get Started

Before importing source inventory, you must complete the following:

  1. Creating a Source
  2. Integrating a Source


How to Import Source Inventory

Importing source inventory is done by executing the Get Inventory [Primary] integration on a Source.

How to Execute the Get Inventory [Primary] Integration
  1. Select the Sources icon in the Flxpoint toolbar
  2. Click the gear icon next to the source you wish to import inventory data from
  3. Then choose Integrations  Get Inventory [Primary] from that source's toolbar.
  4. If not completed, configure the Get Inventory [Primary] integration
  5. Click Run Integration to complete
  6. New inventory and existing inventory updates will be imported upon a successful run

Important Considerations:

  • Variant SKU is required and must be unique in Flxpoint. If a duplicate variant SKU is found, Flxpoint will only import one of these variants.
  • Parent SKU allows you to group variants together to form variations. It is also recommended to map in options while creating variants. This will allow you to specify the options that distinguish one variant from another (i.e. size, color, etc.).

As Source Inventory variants are imported, they go through an import workflow which determines whether a variant is imported into the system.

Bin Location

The primary use for this is the ability for Internal Warehouses to be able to track where the inventory is located through the SKU. Located under the Identifiers field, it can be populated by pulling the data in from the GI-P (Get Inventory [Primary]).

If the Source is an Internal Warehouse, you will have the ability to manually edit Bin Location.

Removing Parent-to-Variant SKU Relationships

There are use-cases where you may want to deconstruct the parent and variant(s) relationship. The traditional parent and variant relationship allows for a group of variant options to be listed under a single list.

Deconstructing the parent and variant relationship will allow each variant to exist on a channel as its own listing.

How to Deconstruct the Parent and Variant Relationship
  1. Navigate to the Get Inventory [Primary] mapping template for the desired source
  2. Locate the blue field for Parent SKU (shown below)
  3. Set Parent SKU to be equal to the Variant SKU
  4. This will create a Variant-Variant SKU relationship
  5. Optional - You may also opt to set the Parent Title to Variant Title to correctly name the inventory.


Parent-to-Variant SKU Relationship vs Variant-to-Variant SKU Relationship

Imagine you have a Parent SKU that represents a baseball hat, with multiple Variants SKUs representing the various colors of that baseball hat.

Let's see the two ways you can structure your Source Inventory.

When creating a "Parent-to-Variant" SKU Relationship, you will set:

  • "Parent SKU" = "Parent SKU"
  • "Variant SKU" = "Variant SKU"

Your inventory will import in this structure:

Parent SKU = 111 / Title = Baseball Hat

  • Variant SKU = 123 / Title = Blue Baseball Hat
  • Variant SKU = 456 / Title = Red Baseball Hat
  • Variant SKU = 789 / Title = Green Baseball Hat

To create a "Variant-to-Variant" SKU relationship, you will set:

  • "Parent SKU" = "Variant SKU"
  • "Variant SKU" = "Variant SKU"

To further illustrate this, let's assume you also set:

  • "Parent Title" = "Variant Title"

Your inventory will import in this structure:

Parent SKU = 123 / Title = Blue Baseball Hat

  • Variant SKU = 123 / Title = Blue Baseball Hat

Parent SKU = 456/ Title = Red Baseball Hat

  • Variant SKU = 456 / Title = Red Baseball Hat

Parent SKU = 789 / Title = Green Baseball Hat

  • Variant SKU = 789 / Title = Green Baseball Hat

Source Inventory Import Workflow

The Source Inventory import workflow allows you to apply conditional rules to filter out undesirable inventory variants before they are imported into the system. This can be configured on the Get Inventory [Primary] integration page.


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