Integrating a Channel

Why Integrate a Channel?

Integrating a channel provides an automated way to perform important processes and operations, such as:

  • Publishing new product content to a channel
  • Syncing latest pricing/quantity data to a channel
  • Retrieving new orders from a channel that need to be fulfilled
  • Syncing shipments for orders retrieved from the channel

How Can You Integrate?

Integration Types:

  • Standard Integrations: These pre-built integrations allow you to connect with top ecommerce sales channels.
  • Custom Integrations: If you're looking to integrate with an option not listed below, please consult with your dedicated Customer Success Manager to explore options for a custom integration.

Standard Integrations List


Connection Settings
When configuring connections for any of the channel integrations in Flxpoint, the required fields will be shown in the main section while optional fields will be underneath in an Advanced Settings section.

Configuration requirements will vary for each type of integration.

Which Processes Can You Integrate?

The standard integration features are shown below:

For select integrations, all options show above may not be supported. The features vary due to our integration partner's platform design and requirements.

Listing Operations

Link Listings

Linking Listings allows a connection to be established between a listing in Flxpoint and a product on a given channel.

A product is currently listed on Shopify with SKU 123 and UPC 456.

In Flxpoint, you have a listing representing this product with SKU 888 and UPC 456.

You can run a Link Listings operation on UPC, which will link the 456 values together.

Once linked, going forward, as SKU 888 receives new pricing/quantity updates in Flxpoint, these updates will be synced to SKU 123 on Shopify.

For more information on linking listings, please see: Linking and Syncing Listings

Sync Listings

Syncing listings allows any new price, quantity, and status (PQS) changes to be synced to the external channel. Syncing does not include product content. In addition to pushing new PQS data, this operation also allows any queued actions to:

  • Delist: completely deletes the listing from the external channel
  • Hide: does not delete the listing, but hides it on the external channel (i.e. usually means not visible for purchasing)
  • Unhide: if a listing is hidden, this will unhide it so it can be purchased again

Delisting, hiding, and unhiding are not possible on all channels. If they are not supported an error will be shown in the notification screen.

Additionally, hiding is only supported at the parent or the variant level on some channels. These are platform restrictions and will be shown in the notification log if unsupported as well.

For more information on syncing listings, please see: Linking and Syncing Listings

Import Listings

Import listings allow you to pull listings from your sales channel and import the listings into Flxpoint's channel listings and product catalog levels. Once imported, you will connect the imported products to your source inventory.

For more information on importing listings, please see: Import Listings

Publish Listings

Publishing listings allows you to push any new product content that has changed since the last time they were published. This operation will either:

  • Create a new product if it is unlinked
  • Overwrite existing product content if it is linked to an existing listing

For more information on publishing listings, please see: Publishing Listings

Order Operations

Get Orders

Retrieves any orders that have not been imported from the channel. Once these orders are imported, they will go through the order life cycle.

Often times the orders retrieved will have some filter, i.e.

  • Only retrieve orders in this payment/fulfillment status

Sync Orders

This syncs back order data to the platform. Currently, the main functionality supported by this operation is:

  • Syncing back shipments for an order
  • Sync back an acknowledgement once the order is imported into Flxpoint (supported by some integrations)

In the future, additional order life-cycle hooks may be added.

For more information on orders, please see: Orders.

Send Accounting Orders

Through the channel integration, Flxpoint allows you to send orders from your sales channel to QuickBooks.

For more information on configuring your QuickBooks integration, please see: QuickBooks Online (US)

Quickbooks Online vs Desktop
Send accounting orders is only supported for QuickBooks Online. We do not currently support QuickBooks Desktop.

Custom Export Operation

Custom export operation allows you to export your current sales channel listings as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) or TSV (Tab Separated Values) file.

Once you had configured your export file, be sure to create a new mapping template to match your file configurations. For more information on creating a mapping template please see: Mapping Templates