Understanding Listing Health and Linking Statuses


In the status column for every listing, you will see a color-coded icon. Hover over the icon to read the notification. Notifications pertain to three types of statuses:

  • Listing Health Status represents the current state of the listing
  • Linking Status represents if this listing is connected or linked to an external channel
  • Needs Attention Status represents if the listing has encountered an issue that needs to be reviewed

Listing Health Statuses

Different Listing Health Statuses in Flxpoint:

Not Listed the listing has not yet been linked or published to the sales channel (or has been unlinked)
Listed the listing is linked and active on the channel and is available for purchase
Hidden the listing is linked but is inactive, not visible, or not available for purchase on the channel
Delisting the listing was once linked, but has since been removed from the channel using Flxpoint
Paused the listing is currently frozen and not being synced or published using Flxpoint (even if queued)

There are also five different statuses that a listing in Flxpoint can be transitioning or queued to:

  1. Listed (Unhiding): the listing will become active, visible, or available on the sales channel following the next sync job
  2. Hidden (Hiding): the listing will become inactive, not visible, or not available on the sales channel on the next sync job
  3. Delisted (Delisting): the listing will be completely removed from the sales channel on the next sync job and unlinked in Flxpoint
  4. Published (Publishing): the listing will be created on or published to the sales channel on the next publishing job and linked to the listing in Flxpoint
  5. Overwrite Data (Overwriting): all listing data/content will be overwritten on the sales channel on the next publishing job

Not all channels support hiding, unhiding, and delisting. If the channel you are integrated with does not support these operations, a message will be displayed in the job notifications.

Needs Attention Statuses

  • Master SKU Missing - The listing is not connected to a product variant.
  • Price/Qty Sync Error - When a listing is not able to successfully update its price or quantity fields to the connected listing.
  • Content Sync Error - When a listing is not able to be published or update its content to the connected listing.
  • Channel SKU Needs Linking - When a listing is not yet linked to a channel SKU/listing and has also not yet had a link attempted.

Resolving Channel SKU Needs Linking

To resolve this status:

  • Run a re-link listings to connect your listings to existing products on your sales channel

Linking Statuses

Listings also have a Linking Status, which is different from the Listing Status:

  • The Linking Status indicates whether the listing has been connected or linked to a listing on an external channel or platform.
  • The Listing Status is more specific to the true state of the listing on the channel.

Using Force Sync

Flxpoint only updates product data that has changed since the last time it's communicated with your store.

If you would like to update all products that are currently linked to your store; you can manually trigger a "Force Sync"

To do this:

  • Navigate to the Listing Variant search screen
  • Select the Listings you'd like to force sync
  • Click Actions > Force Sync > Yes

These listing will be queued to sync to your channel during the next Sync Products job.

Visual Health Status Indicators

Reviewing and Clearing Listing Errors

As you sync and/or publish/overwrite listings, your sales channel may return errors requiring your attention.

Errors may impact one or both listing record types: parents and/or variants. You'll need to address and clear these errors before trying to publish or sync those records again.

To do so:

  1. Filter all listings on the Variants view, where the Variant Publish Error = Not Empty. Review each record and address through improvements to your rules and/or mappings. Once resolved, run this filter again, select the results and choose Actions → Edit → Clear Errors.
  2. Next, go to the Channel Listings tab → Parents view and filter all listings on the Parents view where the Parent Publish Error = Not Empty. Review each record and address through improvements to your rules and/or mappings. Once resolved, run this filter again, select the results and choose Actions → Edit → Clear Errors.

With the errors cleared, you are now ready to attempt to publish or overwrite again (syncs will automatically occur the next time your Sync Listings integration runs).

For example, you may select all the listings variants where the status is Not Listed and select Sync / Publish to run your publish.