How To Tutorials

Tutorial Instructions


1. Scroll or use CRTL+F to search our collection of tutorials.

2. Once you select a tutorial, click Start Exercise to begin the tutorial.

3. In the tutorial, click the highlighted fields or pulsing icon to move to the next step.

4. Follow the steps to learn how to complete the exercise.

5. Once the tutorial is complete, click Try It Now to try the task on your Flxpoint account.


Managing Your Products

Product Tools Tutorials Use Case
How to Create a Custom View

Views allow a user to configure the specific fields they would like to see within the search view in the Product and Order tabs.

For example, a standard view within Products could be customized to show pricing, product content, or a hybrid between the two.

How to Create a Saved Filter

Filtering allows you to apply search criteria and find exactly what you are looking for within the data. Filters can be applied to many large sets of data, such as products, orders, invoices, and reports.

Custom filters are a set of filters saved for easy access.

How to Find & Tag Duplicates This tool can be used to identify products that have not properly merged or duplicated in the Product Catalog to similiar but missing data. Once the duplicated are identified, you can diagnose the best troubleshooting method.
How to Tag a Single Product Tagging is the ability to add a label to something, typically a product or order, to reference and organize your data.
How to Tag a Group of Products Tagging is the ability to add a label to something, typically a product or order, to reference and organize your data.
How to Bulk Customize Your Products Customizations allow you to edit your product data before the data is sent to your sales platform. You may edit a single item or group of items.


Source Inventory Tutorials Use Case
How to Manually Edit Inventory

Flxpoint allows you to manually edit your inventory at the Source Inventory level. Editable fields include indentifiers, cost, quantity, images, and options.

Please note:

  1. Any field you would like to manually update will need to be set to Don't Map on your Get Inventory Primary mapping template.
  2. To pass the manual edits to the Product Catalog and Channel Listings level, rebuild the SKU at both levels.
How to Manually Create Inventory Flxpoint allows you to manually create new inventory and connect the inventory to a designated source. This provides a quick and easy way to add new items to your inventory.
Product Catalog Tutorials Use Case
How to Create a Product Creating a product will allow you to move inventory from Source Inventory into the Product Catalog. This gives you the opportunity to refine the catalog of items you wish to sell.
How to Manually Create a Product Flxpoint allows you to create products directly into the Product Catalog. By doing so, you bypass the traditional flow from Source >>> Source Inventory >>> Product Catalog.
How to Rebuild Single Product

Re-building a product pulls the latest static field updates from the Source Inventory into the Product Catalog.

Static data fields = images, titles, descriptions, brand, categories, options, and attributes.

How to Rebuild Products in Bulk

Re-building a product pulls the latest static field updates from the Source Inventory into the Product Catalog.

Static data fields = images, titles, descriptions, brand, categories, options, and attributes.

Channel Listings Tutorials Use Case
Hiow to Create a Listing Creating a listing will move your products from the Product Catalog into the Channels Listings and assign the product to a specific channel or group of channels.
How to Rebuild Single Listings

Re-building a product pulls the latest static field updates from the Product Catalog into the Channel Listings.

Static data fields = images, titles, descriptions, brand, categories, options, and attributes.

How to Rebuild Listings in Bulk

Re-building a product pulls the latest static field updates from the Product Catalog into the Channel Listings.

Static data fields = images, titles, descriptions, brand, categories, options, and attributes.

How to Delete Channel SKUs This process can be followed on the Source Inventory, Product Catalog or Channel Listings tabs
How to Relink Listings Relink listings attempts to link listings that currently have a status of Unlinked based on your linking priorities.
How to Publish / Overwrite
  • Publish: To create brand-new listings on your sales platform
  • Overwrite: To update "static" product data fields on your sales platform. Static data = images, titles, descriptions, brand, categories, options, and attributes.
How to Cancel Action Follow these steps if you wish to cancel any action such as publish/overwrite or delist.

Managing Your Orders

Actions & Settings Tutorials Use Case
How to View Order History & Logs Viewing the order history and logs will provide you with a line-by-line interaction history for an order. This is a great first step for order troubleshooting.
How to Hold or Cancel An Order Follow these steps to place an order on hold for further review or to cancel the order entirely.
How to Add a New Shipping Policy Follow these steps to manually add a new shipment path to your orders.
How to Allow Backorders Enabling backorders will let you generate order for the product even if the inventory is marked as "0" or "Out Of Stock" on your channel.
How to Setup a Custom Alert You can create custom alerts for almost anything including: orders, integrations running, and shipment alerts.
Order Line Item Tutorials Use Case
How to Add Line Item In the event your customer forgets to order an item, you may add a new line item to the order before the fulfillment request is sent to your supplier.
How to Replace Line Item with an Alternative Our Product Alternative feature allows you to replace any product within the order and fulfillment request with a closely-related alternate SKU to prevent delays in fulfillment.
How to Mark a Line Item as Non-Shippable Marking a line item as non-shippable is recommended for digital goods such as PDF manuals and gift cards.
Fulfillment Request Tutorials Use Case
How to Preview a Fulfillment Request Previewing a fulfillment requests allows you to see how each routing group will affect your fulfillment request before it is created. This gives you space to make decisions and troubleshoot before the supplier is aware of the order.
How to Manually Create a Fulfillment Request Manually creating a fulfillment request allows you to determine where to send the order.
How to Manually Generate a Fulfillment Request Manually generating a fulfillment request will allow Flxpoint's routing system to determine where to send the order based on your customized routing preferences.
How to Manually Void & Regenerate a Fulfillment Request During troubleshooting, you may wish to void and regenerate a fulfillment request.
How to Enable Auto-Generate Fulfillment Request Enabling auto-generate fulfillment request allows Flxpoint to automatically create the fulfillment request upon successful import of an order. Please note that this will not automatically process the fulfillment request.
How to Enable Auto-Processing Fulfillment Request

Enabling auto-processing fulfillment requests will allow Flxpoint to automatically send the fulfillment request to the selected source based on your order routing configuration.

Manual intervention will be required when the order cannot be routed based on your order routing configuration.

Stocking Manifest & Cross Dock POs Tutorials Use Case
How to Create a Stocking Manifest Restocking your warehouse all starts with a Stocking Manifest. A Stocking manifest is a record of the Stocking Purchase Order and Transfer Order generated together to replenish the stock of an internal warehouse.
How to Create a Cross Dock PO Cross Docking is the act of consolidating multiple fulfillment requests going to the same source into a single purchase order. This shipment will be delivered to yoru facilities where it will be repackaged and sent to the customer.

Managing Your Vendors

Vendor Tutorials Use Case
How to Add a New Vendor in the Vendor Portal Resellers looking to better communicate with their vendors have the ability to provide them access to a Vendor Portal. This is a portal with custom branding (logo included) in which your vendors will be able to view new purchase orders and upload tracking and invoices.
How To Vendor Portal Inventory Upload Enabling the inventory upload allows for your vendors to create or update products.
How To Vendor Portal Shipment Upload Enabling this rule will allow your vendors to associate shipment details to purchase ordering via a CSV/XSLX file
How To Vendor Portal Invoice Upload Enabling this rule allows for vendors to associate invoices to purchase orders via CSV/XSLX file
How To Vendor Portal Secondary Acknowledgments This is used to allow your vendors to communicate that a product or purchase order is ready for the next step.

Managing Your Workflows

General Tutorials Use Case
How to Test Your Workflow Testing your workflows allows you to see in real time how the workflows will affect your products. We always recommend testing your workflows to ensure you're getting the desired outcome.
Pricing & Quantity Tutorials Use Case
How to Add Shipping Cost to List Price (Global) Follow these steps to add shipping cost to the list price globally (or for all channels). This will raise the list price that the customer pays to you.
How to Set Default List Price to Source List Price If you are utilizing the source list price field, use this rule to have all pricing calculations based on the source list price instead of estimated cost.
How to Update and Lock Pricing & Quantity By following these steps you can update the price and quantity of a product or group of products. After updating the products they will lock their price and quantity in place.
Listing Status Tutorials Use Case
How to Delist an Item Based on Quantity Follow these steps to have Flxpoint automatically queue products for delisting when they reach a certain quantity threshold.
Order Importing & Routing Tutorials Use Case
How to Set an Order on Hold Automatically Use this method to automatically place an order on hold upon import.
How to Set Billing Address to Shipping Address Follow these steps to automatically set the billing address to the shipping address upon import of the order.
How to Trim Address Character Length Some sources enforce character limits on the shipping address of an order. Use this method to automatically trim the address upon import of the order.
How to Create a New Routing Group A routing group represents a group of routing priorities, eligible sources, and decisions if an order cannot be routed. You are able to create multiple routing groups for various use cases.
How to Edit Your Default Routing Group A routing group represents a group of routing priorities, eligible sources, and decisions if an order cannot be routed. You are provided a Default Routing Group when your account is create. We recommend editing this group to your liking when you configure your account.
How to Change Shipping Text Based on Note Follow these steps to have the channel shipping text automatically update based on a note. Changing the shipping text will redirect the order to a different shipping policy.
Channel Specific Tutorials Use Case
How to Set a Quantity Buffer Setting a quantity buffer may help prevent overselling popular items on your sales channel.
How to Create a Pricing Rule for MAP This tutorial will teach you how to set your List Price to MAP and then raise it by 10%. Feel free to modify this rule when applying it on your account.
How to Add Shipping Cost to List Price This tutorial will teach you how to add shipping cost directly to the list price on a channel-by-channel basis.
How to Pass a Shopify Tag to Flxpoint Notes Field This will cover passing all Shopify tags to the Flxpoint notes field. If you only want certain tags, please use an Order Import rule.
Source Specific Tutorials Use Case
How to Configure a Do Not Import Rule Use these steps to configure a Do Not Import rule for brands, categories, SKUs, or lists.
How to Set Your Source Cost to MSRP

Use these steps to set your Source Cost to MSRP, this is leveraged in pricing rules.

Conditional pricing rules can be used for a wide range of use cases. You can leverage these same steps to manipulate your pricing structure.

How to Add Shipping & Dropshipping Fee to Your Source Cost Use these steps customize your source cost by adding shipping and dropship charges to the source cost.
How to Setup Source Specific Tiered Shipping Cost Follow these steps to configure a tiered shipping cost rule. We recommend this for weight based shipping rules.
How to Setup a Send Fulfillment Request Email Use these steps to configure the Send Fulfillment Request integrations to send the fulfillment requests to your supplier/warehouse via email.

Utilities & Account Settings

Utilities Tutorials Use Case
How to Create a Custom Filter

Filtering allows you to apply search criteria and find exactly what you are looking for within the data. Filters can be applied to many large sets of data, such as products, orders, invoices, and reports.

Custom filters are a set of filters saved for easy access.

How to Create a Custom View Views allow a user to configure the specific fields they would like to see within the search view in the Product and Order tabs. For example, a standard view within Products could be customized to show pricing, product content, or a hybrid between the two.
How to Create an Export Exports allow you to export selected Flxpoint data into a .CSV file to be used in tadem with other software.
How to Configure a Mapping Template Mapping templates are instructional guides. They tell Flxpoint how to align data as it moves through our platform. You will use mapping templates in a variety of situations, such as configuring a source or channel.
How to Create a List Lists are a powerful tool that can be leveraged in workflows and rules throughout Flxpoint. The ability to create and maintain lists will now allow you to easily expand upon bulk managing for brands, SKUs, and many other scenarios.
How to Create a Mapping Setting Mapping sets replace a given value with another. These can be applied in mapping templates to translate incoming data to the desired end value.
Account Settings Tutorials Use Case
How to Update Currency Setting

Flxpoint allows you to update the type of currency shown.

Please note: Updating the currency shown will not convert pricing from one currency to another.

How to Configure Committed Stock

Committed stock allows for the closest thing to live inventory quantity possible when using 3rd parties for distribution.

When committed stock is enabled and you receive new orders, the Committed Quantity on the generated fulfillment request/fulfillment orders will be decremented from the In Stock Quantity.

The result is when the next sync to the channel happens only Available Quantity that can be committed will show as available on your channel helping to prevent overselling.